My Publications

My Publications

Books & Articles

Coming soon.

Second edition (with corrections and additions) being finalised.

The book contains 227 pages, 200 photos, five maps, as well as a detailed list of the losses and claims of the various belligerents.

10 euros.
Format: 21.59 cm x 27.94 cm.
Soft cover.

French / English


L'Escadron Romantique

Corrado Ricci: Memories of an Italian fighter pilot during the East African Campaign.

Version translated, annotated and commented by Alexis Rousselot.

Only in French. 340 pages including a synthesis on the East African Campaign (64 pages), 103 explanatory notes, 4 maps and 32 photos.

Available on (20 euros)

Combat au-dessus de la Corne de l'Afrique (Juin - Décembre 1940)

In French. Article published in Aéro Journal n°41 (June – July 2014) :

Version PDF available here 

Air operations under the Southern African Sun.

In French and English. The Namibian Campaign (1914 – 1915). Articles on German and South African air operations.

Available on Amazon (5 euros)