10 July 1940
After Pilot Officer David J. Looker, it is the turn of Flying Officer Richard D. Pexton to return to No.615 Squadron after his misadventures in France. However, unlike the former, he is allowed to resume flying.
As on previous days, the pilots are in charge of a long series of patrols with no particular events to note: nine aircraft are responsible for providing air coverage of Kenley between 10h55 and 11h55, followed by six others between 15h00 and 17h00.
Pilots and Aircrafts :
- Flight Lieutenant Lionel M. Gaunce (P2966) ; Pilot Officer Michael R. Mudie (P2871) ; Pilot Officer Cecil R. Montgomery (P2963) ; Pilot Officer Sydney J. Madle (L1584[1]) ; Flying Officer John R.H. Gayner (P3380) ; Flying Officer Peter Collard (P2768) [10h55 – 11h55 : Patrol Kenley]
- Flight Lieutenant James G. Sanders (P3487) ; Flying Officer Anthony Eyre (P3111) ; Pilot Officer David Evans (P2578) [11h00 – 11h45 : Patrol Kenley]
- Pilot Officer Keith T. Lofts (P2578) ; Pilot Officer Ralph Roberts (P1983) ; Flying Officer Anthony Eyre (P2801) [15h00 – 16h50 : Patrol Keleny]
- Squadron Leader Joseph R. Kayll (P3109) ; Flying Officer Peter Collard (P2768) ; Pilot Officer Cecil R. Young (P2963) [15h25 – 17h00 : Patrol Kenley].
It should be noted that the details provided by the ORB make it possible to reconstruct the probable organisation of No.615 (County of Surrey) Squadron at that date :
- Squadron Leader Joseph R. Kayll
- A Flight : Flight Lieutenant Lionel M. Gaunce ; Flying Officer Peter Collard ; Flying Officer John R.H. Gayner ; Pilot Officer Michael R. Mudie ; Pilot Officer Cecil R. Young ; Pilot Officer Cecil R. Mongtommery ; Pilot Officer Sydney J. Madle ; Pilot Officer Petrus H. Hugo.
- B Flight : Flight Lieutenant James G. Sanders ; Flying Officer Herbert S. Giddings ; Flying Officer Antony Eyre ; Flying Officer Richard D. Pexton ; Pilot Officer Ralph Roberts ; Pilot Officer David Evans ; Pilot Officer Keith T. Lofts ; Sergeant Derrick W. Halton.
- Pilot Officer David J. Looker (in convalescence – in charge of training new pilots at Kenley).
[1] Form 541 of the ORB of No.615 Squadron refers to L1684. This is probably a typographical error as this serial no longer appears in the document, unlike L1584.