1 – 7 June 1940 : reorganization
Squadron Leader Joseph R. Kayll is involved in the reorganization of No. 615 Squadron at Kenley Airfield following various losses suffered during the operations of May 1940.
Thus, the Flying Officer Lionel M. Gaunce becomes the new head of A Flight with the functions of Flight Lieutenant.
Pilot Officer Horace E. Horne is transferred to No. 242 (RAF) Squadron on 2 June. The rest of his career remains unknown. Indeed, he does not seem to have participated in the Battle of Britain following his transfer to No.242 (RAF) Squadron since his name does not appear in the list of “Few”. He was promoted to the rank of Flying Officer (September 1940), then Flight Lieutenant (September 1941), before being transferred to the RCAF on 3 January 1945.
In parallel, we note the presence of two new pilots, Pilot Officer David Evans and Cecil R. Montgomery.
David Evans, born on 21 November 1919 in Liverpool, he joined the Territorial Army in 1938 in the 38th (AA) Battalion of the King’s Regiment. He obtained his transfer to the RAF with an SSU in June 1939. After his training with the 9 E & RFTS of Ansty, he joined the No. 615 Squadron during the month of May.
Cecil Robert Montgomery, born in 1914 in Lisnaskea (Northern Ireland). He joined the RAF with an SSU in June 1939. He trained at 22 E & RFTS (Cambridge), then at No.2 Flying Traning School at Brize Norton (21 August 1939 – 17 February 1940). He joined the No. 615 Squadron in May 1940.
Pilot Officer Cecil R. Montgomery
These first days of June are, therefore, essentially devoted to a series of training in order to allow the Squadron to be able to return to operational activity as quickly as possible.
There are, however, some more serious patrols.
Thus on 2 June, Flight Lieutenant Lionel M. Gaunce (P2871), Pilot Officer Petrus H. Hugo (P2963) and Cecil R. Young (P2966) took off on alert between 18h20 and 19h55.
It is the same on 3 June for Flying Officer Peter Collard (P2768) and Pilot Officer Michael R. Mudie (P2337) between 11h55 am and 13h10[1].
On 5 June 1940, a patrol over the Mayfield aerodrome took place between 21h00 pand 21h45, with nine aircraft: Flight Lieutenant James G. Sanders (P3487), Flying Officer Anthony Eyre (P2793 ), Pilot Officer Keith T. Lofts (P2578), Squadron Leader Joseph R. Kayll (P2871), Flying Officer Herbert S. Giddings (P2801), Pilot Officer John R. Lloyd (L2003), Flight Lieutenant Lionel M. Gaunce (P2966 ), Pilot Officer Petrus H. Hugo (P2963) and Pilot Officer Michael R. Mudie (2768). Once again, the unidentified aircraft turns out to be a British bomber [2].
Finally, Flying Officer Herbert S. Giddings (P2801) and Pilot Officer John R. Lloyd (P3487) took off on 6 June between 12h15 and 12h50 p.m. for a short patrol over Kenley [3].
These different sorties seem to take place without incident.
[1] No.11 (Fighter) Group ORB. Kew : The National Archives, AIR 25/193.
[2] No.11 (Fighter) Group ORB. Kew : The National Archives, AIR 25/193.
[3] No.11 (Fighter) Group ORB. Kew : The National Archives, AIR 25/193.