Version translated, annotated and commented by Alexis Rousselot In French. 20 euros.
Les voici : six appareils en piqué… semblent se diriger vers nos aérodromes secrets ! J’espère que cette nouvelle attaque a été signalée cette fois-ci !
Ils survolent Dire Dawa, mais ils ne bombardent pas la ville, ils visent donc bien les aérodromes secrets.
Ils sont sur le point de passer à côté de moi, à la même altitude, aussi rapidement que des voitures de course !
J’attaque la première section de trois appareils, par le côté, les autres sections sont encore derrière.
This first fascicle, which is a preamble to the Chronicle of Air Operations over the Horn of Africa (the first volume of which is soon to be published) is the annotated and commented translation of the Memoirs of Capitano Corrado Ricci (410 Squadriglia CT), commander of a fighter squadron based in Dire Dawa (Ethiopia) between August 1939 and May 1941.
The book contains 340 pages (A5 format), including 64 pages relating to the synthetic presentation of the East African Campaign, and 262 pages that constitute the translation of the Memoirs of Corrado Ricci, the whole embellished with 103 notes aimed at analyzing the events described in order to allow the reader to take the necessary distance. The book also includes 4 maps and 32 photographs from the British and South African archives.
Only in French.