1st Décembre 1940
The French attached to No.8 (RAF) Squadron continued their flights aboard Glenn-Martin 167F No.102 (Flight Lieutenant Jacques Dodelier, Warrant Officer Yves Trécan, Flight Sergeant Ronan Michel and Flight Sergeant Joseph Portalis [1]) with a reconnaissance of the sector: Assab – Barasoh – Edd – Thio – Meder, between 08:00 and 11:35. [2]
[1] It should be noted that, since the end of November, the French of the Escadrille d’Aden appear in the ORB of No.8 (RAF) Squadron under pseudonyms : James Boulat for Jacques Dodelier, John Gallipot for Yves Trécan, Pierre Nanor for Ronan Michel, Beaumont for Joseph Portalis and Cunival for Robert Cunibil.
[2] No.8 (RAF) Squadron : Operations Record Book (Form 540 and Form 541). Kew : TNA, AIR 27/114.