Author: ajcrou

22 December 1940

22 December 1940 Northern Front Italian bombers were again reported in the vicinity of Port Sudan. Three Gloster Gladiators Mk II of K Flight and two Hawker Hurricanes Mk I of No.1 (SAAF) Squadron took off to intercept them, without result. Pilot Officer Alan Tofield suffered a head injury when his aircraft hit an obstacle…
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21 December 1940

21 December 1940 Northern Front As on the previous day, K Flight and No.1 (SAAF) Squadron continued to patrol over Port Sudan with two Gloster Gladiators Mk II and three Hawker Hurricanes Mk I, between 05:35 and 17:05 ), to provide protection for convoy W.S.4.A.[1] Southern Front No.11 (SAAF) Squadron had some problems when an…
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20 December 1940

20 December 1940 Northern Front From Sudan, the RAF provides protection for convoy W.S.4.A. No.14 (RAF) Squadron took part, between 04:30 and 17:30, with five Bristol Blenheim Mk IVs, although the first two did not find the ships.[1] Two Gloster Gladiators Mk II of K Flight and three Hawker Hurricanes Mk I of No.1 (SAAF)…
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19 December 1940

19 Décember 1940 Northern Front Since the previous day, extremely poor weather conditions in Sudan limited air activity. The Vickers Wellesley K7775 of No.47 (RAF) Squadron took off in the night, at 0015 hours, to carry out a supply drop for Mission 101, in support of the Ethiopian patriots in the fight against the Italians.…
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18 December 1940

18 December 1940 Southern Front Following the events at El Wak, Regia Aeronautica began to concentrate aircrafts at Bardera airfield. Two IMAM Ro.37bis of 110a Squadriglia RT take off from Mogadishu for a reconnaissance of the sector. In the afternoon, Tenente Romano Palmera saw the Hawker Hurricane of Flight Lieutenant Robert S. Blake taking off…
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17 December 1940

17 December 1940 Northern Front The bombing continued in the morning over Port Sudan. The day started at 09:20 with a formation of three Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 at an altitude of 1 500 metres, whose bombs fell on the airfield. Three Hawker Hurricanes Mk I of No.1 (SAAF) Squadron and two Gloster Gladiators Mk II of…
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23 July 1940

23 July 1940 The morning is still devoted to training, while the A Flight is ordered to carry out several patrols over Beachy Head between 16:30 and 18:10. Pilots and Aircrafts : Flight Lieutenant Lionel M. Gaunce (P3109), Pilot Officer Petrus H. Hugo (P2963), Pilot Officer Cecil R. Montgomery (P3160) [Patrol Beachy Head : 16:30…
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16 December 1940

16 December 1940 Northern Front The day is again very eventful over Port Sudan. Three Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 of 44bis Gruppo BT attacked the harbor at 11:45. Three Gloster Gladiator of K Flight and a Hawker Hurricane of No.1 (SAAF) Squadron are able to take off to intercept the bombers. Flying Officer Robert H. Chapman (K6143)…
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22 July 1940

22 July 1940 After some dawn patrols, No.615 Squadron left Hawkinge and returned to Kenley at 09:00. The rest of the day is spent on a series of training. Pilots and Aircrafts : Flight Lieutenant Herbert S. Giddings (P2801), Flying Officer Richard D. Pexton (P3158), Pilot Officer Keith T. Lofts (P2578), Pilot Officer Ralph Roberts…
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15 December 1940

15 December 1940 A Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 [1] is reported over Port Sudan (5 500 meters) around 12:50. The AA opened fire, while two Hawker Hurricanes of No.1 (SAAF) Squadron: Major Lawrence A. Wilmot (n ° 285) and Captain Kenneth W. Driver (n ° 274), as well as two Gloster Gladiator of K Flight: Flying Officer…
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