30 August 1940
Northern Front
An Italian bombing on Hayya station is reported at dawn. Again, as on the southern front, these attacks by two or three aircraft are more like nuisance raids [1].
At 05h05, three Vickers Wellesley of No.223 (RAF) Squadron take off from Summit to bomb Agordat airfield, where a Caproni Ca.133 is claimed damaged, then make a reconnaissance around Kassala. Aircrafts return at 09h50 [2].
Wellesley Mark I, L2673 KU-C of No. 47 (RAF) Squadron. Source : Imperial War Museum
Finally, in the afternoon, the French make a new reconnaissance, this time in Eritrea (Assab – Dessie) with the Glenn Marin 167-F No. 82 (Flight Lieutenant Roger Ritoux-Lachaud, Flying Officer Pierre Fénot de Maismont; Flight Sergeant Raymond Rolland, Sergeant Portalis) between 13h38 and 17h42

[1] « 30 august 1940 » 47 Squadron RAF : Operations Record Book (Form 540 and Form 541), op. cit.
[2] Cette mission pose un léger problème de date. En effet, si le form 540 et Shores – Ricci indique le 29 août, le form 541 fait mention du lendemain, hypothèse soutenue par les rapports des équipages engagés, tous datés du 30 août. C. Shores et C. Ricci, Dust Clouds in the Middle East, op. cit., p. 57; 223 Squadron RAF : Operations Record Book (Form 540 and Form 541), op. cit.